
Training: advanced training for your employees

SANEON offers training courses covering all aspects of autonomous driving for managers and specialists, including standards (like ISO 26262, SOTIF (ISO/PAS 21448), automotive cybersecurity (ISO/SAE 21434), DO 178B/C and IEC 61508) and personnel management.

We have worked for many years with well-known members of the automotive industry, focusing especially on automated and autonomous driving during this time. Our 20 years of expertise have produced a training team that possesses a tremendous amount of development experience and a vast range of knowledge about standards. Our experts draw on this base of information to enthusiastically and systematically share our main insight: Complex safety systems must be optimized from the very beginning. The students who attend our seminars are taught a wide range of practical know-how about processes and methods that are used to develop safe products. We provide a participation certificate or course certificate to every student at the end of the course.

The training topics are designed for a range of key personnel in your company:

  • Management: standards and background (e.g., Automotive SPICE®, ISO 26262)
  • Specialists: standards and their implementation
  • Human factors: Which of these factors should be monitored during the development of safety-relevant systems?

SANEON Standard Training Catalogue 09/2020

Functional safety ISO 26262

Course outline (daily 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.)


ISO 26262 – 2nd Edition – in 4 modules. Module 1-4*

  • Course modules 1 through 4 will introduce you to the processes you need to carry out your role in the safety life cycle.
  • After completing the course, you will be familiar with the individual topics related to automotive safety with the help of practical examples.

*Modules may be purchased independently.

Four days

  • ISO 26262 – 2nd Edition – Module 1

Details Module 1

1 Day

  • ISO 26262 – 2nd Edition – Module 2

Details Module 2

1 Day

  • ISO 26262 – 2nd Edition – Module 3

Details Module 3

1 Day

  • ISO 26262 – 2nd Edition – Module 4

Details Module 4

1 Day

ISO 26262 – 2nd Edition – Special Training: FTA & FMEA

Details ISO 26262 – 2nd Edition – Special Training: FTA & FMEA

1 Day

Software architecture considering ISO 26262 and Automotive SPICE®

  • Sketch a software architecture that is broken down into three safety levels
  • Real-life, practical examples that can quickly be applied to current projects


Two days

Automotive SPICE®

Course outline (daily 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.)


Automotive SPICE® Basic Training

  • Comprehensive understanding of the Automotive SPICE® process improvement
  • Comprehensive understanding of engineering, management and support processes and their mutual relationships


Two days


Course outline (daily 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.)


SOTIF basic training

  • Comprehensive understanding of SOTIF
  • Real-life, practical examples that can quickly be applied to current projects


1 day


Course outline (daily 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.)


Automotive cybersecurity ISO 21434


1 day

Airworthiness & human factors

Course outline (daily 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.)


Aviation regulations awareness


1 day

Human factors


1 day

We also offer personalized courses, crash courses and workshops designed to meet your specific needs or technical challenges.
Are you interested in individual in-house training tailored to the needs of your company?
We look forward to hearing from you!



    * Required fields

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